
Interesting book – Real Artists Don’t Starve: Timeless Strategies for Thriving in the New Creative AgeStarving Artists  

Teamwork and 4 Keys to Creating a Winning Team!

Successful Leadership and Winning Teams

In today’s world you need to be able to work in teams.  Every good leader should promote teams and teamwork.  Brenda over at has a good article on 4 Keys to Creating a Winning Team.  Highlights are below.

1. Develop a Winning Attitude in Team Members
A winning attitude is a positive attitude and must be prevalent. A winning attitude is developed in team members and they believe in their leader, themselves, their teammates, and the vision to be accomplished. Negative thinking is not allowed to creep in and hinder the task at hand.

How To Teach Motivation To Children

cute kid (Explore)
Image by Swami Stream via Flickr

I read a good article about motivation and children recently.  While the article is written for use with kids, the same methods can also be used with adults.  Cindy Jett lists five items that you should address.

1. Help your child find his passion.

2. Teach problem solving.

3. Address a fear of failure.

4. Set goals.

5. Look out for negative thinking.

You can read the entire article here.

How Do You Figure Out What Matters Most?

so confusedImage by rachel sian via Flickr

We all have a lot to do and struggle with getting it all done.  The easy way to accomplish more is to look at your time management.  Usually you look at tips and tricks to be more producttive, get less distracted etc.

However, Amanda over at has an interesting article regarding the steps you should take to determine if you are doing what really matters most.  While the article may be focused towards blogging, the information can be applied to all areas of  your life.

How Following TWAIN Can Improve Your Success

Mark Twain 2
Image via Wikipedia

Every wonder why some people are more successful than others?  Are they lucky? Do they have a secret that helps them be more successful?  Many will tell you the reason for their success is the habit they have. The habits you develop determine your level of success.

What Questions Do You Ask Yourself?

Larry Brooks of has a guest post on ProBlogger about questions you can ask yourself to feel better. The questions you ask help to establish your frame of mind and how you live your life.  They also help…

Improve Your Productivity By Getting Enough Sleep

When we talk about improving productivity we usually talk about processes, organizational skills or time management.  However, we seldom talk about preparation.  Are you doing everything you can to prepare yourself to work at your highest level.  One of the…